Glowing Ember Ⅸ
Glowing Ember Ⅷ

体がガタガタでまだ動けないんですが、制作の小林とともに年末恒例怒涛の事務タームに突入します。そして今年最後の燦然CAMP主催事業、A5yl/燦然光芒での阿目虎南ソロシリーズ「Glowing Ember」12月分が残っているので、もう1ラウンドお付き合い願います。日程は少しお待ちを。思えば月イチで開催してきた、このソロシリーズ上演によって鍛えられました。このことも「舞踏山月記」のクオリティに大いに貢献したと感じています。
芸術監督としては、A5yl/燦然光芒で密かに実験的試みを繰り返していましたが今後「Glowing Ember」以外にも公開イベントをブッキング画策中です。
燦然CAMP主宰/A5yl燦然光芒芸術監督 阿目虎南
Sanzen CAMP Butoh show “Butoh Sangetsuki” has been successfully completed. Thank you very much for coming to our booth. Also thank you to all the staffs and Tokyo Babylon for your great works. It was necessary that your great help.
it was a pity that we could not say hello after the performance as a measure against infection, but we are happy to read each and every one of your thoughts on the questionnaire.
This show is the best work of Conan Amok and Sanzen CAMP that has been held so far.
This time, thanks to all the staff, Conan himself was able to take responsibility for directing and performing, and he was able to share the aesthetics of the work, including the concept of the work, with Mai Taniguchi (Dairakudakan). As a result, it was able to receive proposals from different perspectives regarding her solo work and the overall work, and he was able to trust her and leave it to her, which was a big factor. In addition, in the after-performance talk, Professor Emeritus Hidemi Kondo of Tama Art University took the podium and presented an interesting story based on his deep and sharp insight. Above all, I am deeply moved by the fact that not a single person infected with the corona virus has been detected, and no one inside or audiences has been confirmed to have suspicious symptoms.
Our bodies are still stiff that we can’t move yet, but we’re going into the year-end rushing office term with Kobayashi, the producer. And the final project sponsored by Sanzen CAMP this year, A5yl/Sanzen Kobo’ Conan Amok solo series “Glowing Ember”, has left December, so please join us for one more round. Please wait for the schedule. Come to think of it, he was trained by this solo series performance that has been held once a month. we feel that this also contributed greatly to the quality of “Butoh Sangetsuki”.
As an artistic director, Conan’s been secretly experimenting with A5yl/Sanzen Kobo, but we’re planning to book public events other than “Glowing Ember” in the future.
Let’s continue to take care of the infection and get through this year.
Conan Amok, Sanzen CAMP
12月、燦然CAMPの新作舞踏公演を上演致します。パートナーである舞踏手 谷口舞(大駱駝艦)と、久々となるデュオ公演。会場は王子神谷のシアター・バビロンの流れのほとりにて。是非是非ご覧ください!チラシ刷り上がりました🙌
写真:松田純一 デザイン:Arts lnc.
Sanzen CAMP Butoh Show
2022年12月 2㈮19:30※1 3㈯14:00 / 18:00※2 4㈰13:00 / 17:00
※1 主宰によるアフタートーク
※2 アフタートークゲスト:近藤秀實(多摩美術大学名誉教授)
演出・振付・美術 阿目虎南
Choreography and artistic direction : Conan Amok
出演 谷口舞(大駱駝艦) 阿目虎南
Cast : Mai Taniguchi(Dairakudakan) Conan Amok
音楽 網田破裂音
Composer : Hurleyzone Amida
衣装 柴崎麻弥
Costume : Maya Shibasaki
舞台監督 小川陽子
Stage manager : Yoko Ogawa
音響 飯塚大周
Sound : Taishu lizuka
照明 謝花翔陽
Lighting : Shoyo Jahana
企画制作 燦然CAMP
Producer : Sanzen CAMP
宣伝写真 松田純一
Photo : Junichi Matsuda
宣伝美術 Arts Inc.
Design : Arts lnc.
主催 燦然CAMP
Organizer : Sanzen CAMP
協力 A5yl/燦然光芒 kohsetsu,24/7
Cooperation : A5yl/Sanzen KOBO kohsetsu,24/7
11/1㈫ チケット発売開始
前売 ¥3000 当日券 ¥3000
Ticket reservation
カンフェティチケットセンター(0120-240-540 通話料無料・受付時間平日10時~18時)
会場 シアター・バビロンの流れのほとりにて
〒114-0003 東京都北区豊島7-26-19 ※劇場前は駐車禁止
1. 庚申通り商店街を直進します。(約10分)
2. 商店街が途切れてからも道なりに進みます。(約2分)
3. 左手に豊島七丁目児童遊園が見えたら、民家を正面に見て右に曲がります。
本作は中島敦「山月記」 李景亮「人虎伝」等の小説をモチーフとして、「変容のグラデーション」をテーマに構成されます。この歴史的文学作品に予てからシンパシーを抱き、現代における自身の実感を強く投影した舞踏家が独自の視点で描く「舞踏山月記」。
阿目 虎南(あもく・こなん)
2008-2019 大駱駝艦に所属、麿赤兒に師事。独立後、ソロ活動を経て2021- 燦然CAMPを設立。2022- A5yl/燦然光芒(あじーる・さんぜんこうぼう)芸術監督に就任。以降、同スペースにて自身の舞踏ソロ「Glowing Ember」シリーズを毎月上演中。国内での公演・WSの企画運営、TV・映画・MV・舞台出演に加え、南米コロンビアでの単独舞踏公演ツアー開催やダンスフェスティバル参加など、海外へ向けた活動にも取り組む。また、美術家としても出展多数。Dance Base Yokohama 新型コロナウイルスを受けての支援アーティスト(2020)。大道芸人公認制度「ヘブンアーティスト」ライセンス取得(2021)
谷口 舞(大駱駝艦)
文化庁委託事業 令和二年度 次世代の文化を創造する新進芸術家育成事業 現代舞踊新進芸術家育成アウトリーチProject「劇場外での実践と地域へのコミットメント」事業「大馬車道 虎の舞」@みなとみらい線馬車道駅 2021)など多数携わる。
Sanity and madness. The figure in floating on the surface and a temperament that burns internally, you know they cannot be split. Consciousness mixes with each other with the gradation. they drift. entangled with each other,fluctuate,move over boundaries. The question was posed from afar so I look it with the perspective. The most important stuff for me is confronting it while actively misreading.
Sanzen CAMP has been actively developing and updating its territory through a wide range of performances, including butoh works and collaborations with other genres.
This work is based on the motif of the novel, Nakajima Atsushi’s “Sangetsuki”, and is composed under the theme of “transformation gradation”. “Butoh Sangetsuki” is written from a unique perspective by a Conan Amok, the butoh artist who has had sympathy for this historical literary work for some time and strongly projects his own feelings in the present age.
A tense landscape that emerges at the end of the process of excavating and extracting phenomena hidden between the lines, creating and fermenting, and detouring. Please enjoy the feeling and development.
中島敦「山月記」などをモチーフに、団体として初のプロジェクトに挑戦 燦然CAMP舞踏公演『舞踏山月記』上演決定 カンフェティにてチケット発売
Glowing Ember Ⅶ
Glowing Ember Ⅵ