体がガタガタでまだ動けないんですが、制作の小林とともに年末恒例怒涛の事務タームに突入します。そして今年最後の燦然CAMP主催事業、A5yl/燦然光芒での阿目虎南ソロシリーズ「Glowing Ember」12月分が残っているので、もう1ラウンドお付き合い願います。日程は少しお待ちを。思えば月イチで開催してきた、このソロシリーズ上演によって鍛えられました。このことも「舞踏山月記」のクオリティに大いに貢献したと感じています。
芸術監督としては、A5yl/燦然光芒で密かに実験的試みを繰り返していましたが今後「Glowing Ember」以外にも公開イベントをブッキング画策中です。
燦然CAMP主宰/A5yl燦然光芒芸術監督 阿目虎南
Sanzen CAMP Butoh show “Butoh Sangetsuki” has been successfully completed. Thank you very much for coming to our booth. Also thank you to all the staffs and Tokyo Babylon for your great works. It was necessary that your great help.
it was a pity that we could not say hello after the performance as a measure against infection, but we are happy to read each and every one of your thoughts on the questionnaire.
This show is the best work of Conan Amok and Sanzen CAMP that has been held so far.
This time, thanks to all the staff, Conan himself was able to take responsibility for directing and performing, and he was able to share the aesthetics of the work, including the concept of the work, with Mai Taniguchi (Dairakudakan). As a result, it was able to receive proposals from different perspectives regarding her solo work and the overall work, and he was able to trust her and leave it to her, which was a big factor. In addition, in the after-performance talk, Professor Emeritus Hidemi Kondo of Tama Art University took the podium and presented an interesting story based on his deep and sharp insight. Above all, I am deeply moved by the fact that not a single person infected with the corona virus has been detected, and no one inside or audiences has been confirmed to have suspicious symptoms.
Our bodies are still stiff that we can’t move yet, but we’re going into the year-end rushing office term with Kobayashi, the producer. And the final project sponsored by Sanzen CAMP this year, A5yl/Sanzen Kobo’ Conan Amok solo series “Glowing Ember”, has left December, so please join us for one more round. Please wait for the schedule. Come to think of it, he was trained by this solo series performance that has been held once a month. we feel that this also contributed greatly to the quality of “Butoh Sangetsuki”.
As an artistic director, Conan’s been secretly experimenting with A5yl/Sanzen Kobo, but we’re planning to book public events other than “Glowing Ember” in the future.
Let’s continue to take care of the infection and get through this year.
Conan Amok, Sanzen CAMP